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Cabinet: New funding program for remediation of contaminated sites

Wolfram Günther (Alliance 90/The Greens), Environment Minister of Saxony / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Wolfram Günther (Alliance 90/The Greens), Environment Minister of Saxony / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The Saxon cabinet has launched a new funding program for the remediation of contaminated sites. Specifically, it concerns contaminated soil and groundwater. "Saxony has been an industrial state for generations. In the past, this has unfortunately caused enormous damage to soil and groundwater on thousands of sites. If this damage is remedied, we will eliminate risks to the environment," explained Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) on Tuesday after an external meeting of the government in Oschatz. He hopes that the remediation and revitalization of such areas will also strengthen biodiversity.

According to the ministry, investments in soil remediation and the remediation of groundwater damage are to be funded. The prerequisite is that those responsible for the damage or their legal successors can no longer be held liable. After completion of the projects, at least 15 percent of the remediated area must be near-natural green spaces. The program is primarily intended for municipalities and their companies or in-house operations as well as for municipal special-purpose associations and districts. However, private individuals or companies can also be supported - with up to 77 percent of the costs incurred.

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