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CDU General Secretary Alexander Dierks to become President of the Saxon State Parliament

The CDU executive committee unanimously proposes Alexander Dierks as the new president of the Saxon state parliament. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The CDU executive committee unanimously proposes Alexander Dierks as the new president of the Saxon state parliament. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The CDU is also relying on a new generation for another top office in the Free State. If the Union has its way, 36-year-old Alexander Dierks will be the president of the state parliament in future.

CDU General Secretary Alexander Dierks (36) is to become the new President of the Saxon State Parliament, according to the CDU. The CDU executive committee has unanimously nominated him for the position, the party headquarters announced. As the largest parliamentary group in parliament, the Christian Democrats traditionally have the right to make such a proposal. The "Sächsische Zeitung" had previously reported on the appointment.

Dierks comes from Baden-Württemberg. He completed his Abitur in Dresden and studied "Politics in Europe" in Chemnitz, graduating with a Master of Arts. He has been Secretary General of the CDU state association since 2017. Dierks is considered a close confidant of Minister President Michael Kretschmer. He has made a name for himself in the state parliament as a social and health politician.

The previous state parliament president Matthias Rößler (69) did not run in the state parliament elections. The election of the President must take place at the constituent meeting of the new state parliament. The latest date for this is October 1. A simple majority of the 120 MPs is required for the election.

In last Sunday's state election, the Saxon Union won 31.9 percent of the vote, just ahead of the AfD (30.6 percent). As things stand, it will now negotiate a coalition with the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance and the SPD.

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