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Charges filed after protest meeting against solidarity rally with Israel in Chemnitz

A police emergency vehicle / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/iconic image
A police emergency vehicle / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/iconic image

Police in Chemnitz have drawn up a total of eight charges following an unannounced protest meeting against a solidarity rally with Israel. A tense situation arose between the solidarity gathering and counter-demonstrators.

After an unannounced protest meeting against a solidarity rally with Israel in Chemnitz, police have drawn up eight reports. A police spokeswoman said on Thursday morning.

Accordingly, around 300 people took part in the solidarity rally for Israel early Wednesday evening. During the event, up to 100 counter-demonstrators gathered, chanting non-German chants, according to police. Police directed a larger group toward Stadthallenpark. A statement Wednesday evening spoke of a "tense situation," which is why more police officers were called in. The task forces established the identity of the arrested counter-demonstrators and subsequently made charges, said the police spokeswoman.

In the charges, it was, among other things, about the violation of the Assembly Act, because the counter-assembly had not been reported. In another case it was about the approval of criminal acts, because for example belligerent acts were approved. Also a firecracker had been ignited illegally and an official had been insulted.

In addition, there were announcements because of theft and once because of a dangerous bodily injury against a young trio: In the early evening two young people at the age of 15 and 17 as well as a 20-year-old are to have stolen a small Israel flag from a 72-year-old later participant of the solidarity demo. In connection with the theft, the trio also allegedly knocked down a man and kicked him while he was lying on the ground. The 55-year-old man was reportedly not a participant in the demonstration. He was brought injured into a hospital.

In addition, two announcements were made because of Verwendens of marks of unconstitutional organizations. In one case, it was about a 42-year-old who is said to have shown a "Hitler salute."

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