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European Football Championship in Leipzig: stadium of dreams with cultural program

Sports director Rudi Völler smiles. Völler has extended his contract until the 2026 World Cup / Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa
Sports director Rudi Völler smiles. Völler has extended his contract until the 2026 World Cup / Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The European Football Championship in Leipzig will be accompanied by a cultural program.

The European Football Championship will be accompanied by a cultural program in Leipzig. The "Stadium of Dreams" will open in the historic concert garden of the zoo from June 7 to July 7. There will be activities for children and families during the day and a programme for adults interested in sport and culture in the evening, according to the organizers.

The family programme ranges from opportunities to play in various sports to craft workshops. Young footballers can get to grips with topics such as fair play and sustainability in special formats.

The evening program includes readings and concerts by Leipzig bands. There will also be an exhibition on soccer in the East and panel discussions. Sports activities are also planned for adults - they can play teqball, for example. This involves maneuvering a soccer over a kind of curved table tennis table without using hands or arms.

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