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Germany deports Afghan offenders for the first time since August 2021

Afghans were deported from Leipzig/Halle Airport on Friday morning. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Afghans were deported from Leipzig/Halle Airport on Friday morning. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Among other things, criminals are deported to Afghanistan with the help of "regional key partners". The German government speaks of difficult framework conditions.

According to the German government, Germany deported Afghan nationals back to their country of origin on Friday morning for the first time since August 2021. This was announced by government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit. In August 2021, the militant Islamist Taliban seized power in the country once again.

According to Hebestreit, the Afghan nationals in question were all convicted criminals who did not have the right to stay in Germany and were subject to deportation orders. The Federal Government has made great efforts in recent months to achieve the resumption of returns in such cases and has supported the responsible states to this end.

"In view of the notoriously difficult framework conditions, Germany has asked key regional partners for support in order to facilitate returns. The Federal Government is very grateful for this support," said Hebestreit.

The Federal Government remains committed to carrying out such repatriations. Germany's security interests clearly outweigh the interests of protecting criminals and dangerous individuals.

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