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Hundreds of refugees left the country with financial aid

By the end of October, almost 600 refugees had voluntarily returned home from Saxony - with financial support. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa
By the end of October, almost 600 refugees had voluntarily returned home from Saxony - with financial support. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa

Support programs are intended to encourage refugees without the right to stay to return to their home country. The number of returnees in Saxony has risen recently.

592 refugees in Saxony voluntarily returned to their country of origin with financial support in the first ten months of this year. That was 115 more than in the same period last year. Nationwide, 8,263 refugees left Germany in this way, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior's response to a question from the AfD in the Bundestag.

The costs for this amounted to just under 8.23 million euros. According to the information, the expenditure is being subsidized by the European Asylum and Migration Fund AMIF, with the federal and state governments each contributing five percent.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees supports returnees with various programs. These programs not only cover travel costs, but also provide start-up assistance for a new start and reintegration in the country of origin.

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