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State parliament presidium imposes fine against AfD politician

Dresden: The Presidium of the Saxon State Parliament has imposed a fine on AfD Member of Parliament Jörg Dornau. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Dresden: The Presidium of the Saxon State Parliament has imposed a fine on AfD Member of Parliament Jörg Dornau. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Members of the Landtag are obliged to declare professional activities or remunerated functions within a certain period of time. This is intended to avoid conflicts of interest.

The Saxon AfD member of the state parliament Jörg Dornau has been ordered to pay a fine of 20,862 euros. The presidium of the state parliament accuses him of violating his duty of disclosure under the Members of Parliament Act. Dornau had not reported his shareholding in an agricultural company in Belarus within the legally prescribed period and had not reported his activities as a director of the company within the deadline, the state parliament announced. The amount of the fine corresponds to three times the monthly basic allowance of a member of parliament. The MP can appeal against the decision before the administrative court. It initially remained unclear whether he would do so.

The Left welcomed the decision. No one can simply travel to Belarus and set up a farm there, especially no one from Germany, explained parliamentary group leader Rico Gebhardt. This would require contacts and introductory talks as well as political proximity to the dictatorship there. "Dornau's appeasement of the presidency is implausible. For us, everything looks like he used his mandate in the state parliament to enrich himself personally," emphasized Gebhardt.

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