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1. FC Magdeburg parts ways with Hoßmang at the end of the season

Magdeburg's head of young talent Thomas Hoßmang is in the stadium before the game / Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa/Archivbild
Magdeburg's head of young talent Thomas Hoßmang is in the stadium before the game / Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa/Archivbild

Thomas Hoßmaang was primarily responsible for youth development at 1. FC Magdeburg for ten years. He will lose his position as head of the NLZ in the summer.

Thomas Hoßmang will not remain head of the youth development center (NLZ) at second-division soccer club 1. FC Magdeburg beyond the end of the season. The club announced on Wednesday that it would like to provide new impetus in this area and in this context will not extend Hoßmang's expiring contract. The club and coach are currently discussing whether and in what form further cooperation is conceivable.

The 57-year-old has been head of the NLZ for the past three years. Under his leadership, this was certified with the highest category (three stars). He also played a major role in the U23s being reintegrated into the club and starting to play matches.

Hoßmang joined 1. FC Magdeburg in 2014. He initially worked as an U-19 coach, before also becoming head of the NLZ in January 2015. On June 11, 2020, Hoßmang initially took over as head coach of the then third-division team on an interim basis. Under him, the team managed to avoid relegation ahead of schedule on match day 37. In July 2020, FCM reached an agreement with Hoßmang to continue working with him as head coach. The team scored 21 points in 22 games under his leadership. He announced his resignation as head coach on February 9, 2021 and has been head of the NLZ again since May 2021.

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