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Dresden volleyball players extend with Lemmens and Winter

Dresden coach Alexander Waibl gives instructions. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild
Dresden coach Alexander Waibl gives instructions. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild

After the personnel bloodletting, those responsible at Dresdner SC have extended the first contracts.

Bundesliga volleyball club Dresdner SC has extended the contracts of Nathalie Lemmens and Larissa Winter following the loss of many key players. The Belgian international and setter Larissa Winter will stay with the club for another season, the club announced on Friday. The 29-year-old middle blocker Lemmens was a key player in the past season. "She is a team player, completes her tasks extremely reliably and is also a valuable support for our younger players. Her experience is invaluable to us," said DSC coach Alexander Waibl.

With the 20-year-old Winter, the club is continuing its strategy of developing its own young talent. The home-grown talent moved up from VC Olympia Dresden to the Bundesliga squad last year. "For me, she was one of the bright spots of the past season. It was logical to extend her contract," said Waibl.

Previously, regular player Sarah Straube, who also comes from the DSC youth squad, had already extended her contract for a year.

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