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Dutch fans turn Leipzig's streets into an orange festival

Fan march of the Netherlands. / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Fan march of the Netherlands. / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Many thousands of fans of the Dutch national soccer team transformed Leipzig's streets into an orange festival before the match against France.

Many thousands of fans of the Dutch national soccer team turned Leipzig's streets into an orange festival. The "Elftal" faced France in their second European Championship group game on Friday evening. According to the police, between 20,000 and 25,000 Dutch supporters took part in a fan march before kick-off. Most of them wore orange jerseys and caps.

The French fans also organized a fan march. However, according to the police, this was much smaller with 4600 people. The atmosphere in the city was exuberant. Apart from a few pyrotechnics, everything remained peaceful, said a police spokeswoman.

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