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Dynamo Dresden captain Stefan Kutschke again threatened by threatening letters

Dynamo's Stefan Kutschke walks across the pitch. Once again, threatening letters were received against him. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Dynamo's Stefan Kutschke walks across the pitch. Once again, threatening letters were received against him. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Dynamo Dresden's team captain Stefan Kutschke and his family have repeatedly been the victims of massive hostility.

Dynamo Dresden's team captain Stefan Kutschke and his family have repeatedly become victims of massive hostility. As the third division club announced on Wednesday afternoon, two new threatening letters addressed to the Dresden-born player have been received by the club. SGD had already received similar letters last Friday.

"We cannot and will not tolerate such attacks against employees of our club. The manner is unacceptable and is condemned by us. As emphasized last week, we will use all means at our disposal to take action against the author(s) and do our utmost to protect Stefan and his family," said David Fischer, Managing Director of Communications at the traditional Saxon club.

Dynamo intends to increase security measures again in the coming days as a result of the two new letters. This process has been discussed with the police, according to the statement. Dynamo had already canceled public training sessions this week. As in the first case of threats, measures are currently being taken to investigate the authors.

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