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Dynamo Dresden fined

Dynamo must now pay another fine for pyro offenses by its fans. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Dynamo must now pay another fine for pyro offenses by its fans. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Third division soccer team Dynamo Dresden was fined 21,500 euros by the DFB sports court.

Third-division soccer club Dynamo Dresden has been fined 21,500 euros by the German Football Association (DFB) sports court. The court thus punished three cases of unsportsmanlike conduct by the club's supporters. Dynamo can use 7150 euros for safety or violence prevention measures.

During the third division match at MSV Duisburg on 17 December last year, Dresden spectators set fire to paper in a toilet facility. The fire department was able to extinguish the fire quickly. During the third division match at Arminia Bielefeld on December 20, paper was also set alight in a toilet facility in the visitors' area. The fire department was again able to extinguish the fire quickly. In addition, Dresden spectators set fire to at least 50 indicators in the third minute of the match.

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