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Erzgebirge Aue wins against Waldhof Mannheim

Aue's Sean Seitz runs to the kick-off point with the ball in his hands / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Aue's Sean Seitz runs to the kick-off point with the ball in his hands / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Aue won against Waldhof Mannheim on the last matchday. The even greater success, however, is the fact that the team is guaranteed a place in next season's DFB Cup.

Erzgebirge Aue have secured their DFB Cup ticket thanks to a boost from Dynamo Dresden. Thanks to Dynamo's fourth place in the table, the Veilchen are also represented in the first round as Saxony Cup finalists. In the season finale, Aue won 2:0 (1:0) against SV Waldhof Mannheim in the third division on Saturday. In front of 11,048 spectators, Marvin Stefaniak (9th minute) and Sean Seitz (57th) scored.

Just nine minutes after kick-off, Stefaniak won the ball and shot into the left corner to take the lead. Kilian Jakob had a great chance in the 19th minute, but only hit the crossbar. The lead at the break was justifiable, as Mannheim also had a number of top-class chances. Boris Tashchy (37') produced an artistic save to prevent the equalizer.

Although the visitors started strongly, Aue made it 2:0. A long ball from their own half found Tim Danhof, who passed the ball precisely to Sean Seitz (57'), who only had to slide it in. Aue keeper Louis Lord, who was making his third league debut, defused a number of Mannheim attacks in the second half.

With the win against Waldhof Mannheim, Aue finish the season in sixth place. After the season finale, Aue are now focusing on their mission to regain promotion. After those responsible avoided calling for a return to the second division last season, the course for the new season is clear. "We want to return to the second division. It's simply more fun there," explained sporting director Matthias Heidrich.

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