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European Championship party in Leipzig canceled due to another storm

Dark clouds over the arena / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Dark clouds over the arena / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The storm returns: the Augustusplatz fan zone in Leipzig is closed due to heavy thunderstorms.

The storm is back: the European Championship party in the center of Leipzig has now been finally canceled. "The Augustusplatz fan zone will be closed immediately and will remain so for the rest of the evening," the city of Leipzig announced on Platform X on Tuesday evening. All those present were asked to move to safe places.

The fan zone had already been temporarily closed earlier due to a thunderstorm front with heavy rain and strong gusts of wind. Soccer fans had been celebrating there before the evening match between Portugal and the Czech Republic in the Leipzig stadium. When a thunderstorm unexpectedly passed over parts of the city, the organizers decided to close the fan zone at short notice. At around 7 p.m., it was decided to resume the European Championship celebrations. However, shortly before the start of the match, the organizers changed their decision again.

The German Weather Service warned of severe thunderstorms with hail and heavy squalls for Saxony in the early evening. However, it was not initially clear exactly when the storm would reach Saxony and whether it would also hit Leipzig.

In Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen, public fan and public viewing areas were closed on Tuesday due to possible storms.

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