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Halle loses 26:41 in Oldenburg

A handball lies on a goal / Photo: Frank Molter/dpa/Symbolic image
A handball lies on a goal / Photo: Frank Molter/dpa/Symbolic image

The handball players of SV Union Halle-Neustadt were unable to collect any important points in their battle to stay in the Bundesliga. Till Wiechers' charges conceded a clear 26:41 (15:16) defeat at VfL Oldenburg on Saturday. Merle Carstensen (7/1), Toni-Luisa Reinemann (6/1), Lena Feiniler, Emilia Ronge and Luisa Knippert (5 each) played the biggest part in the hosts' success. Julia Niewiadomska and Lilli Röpcke (7 each) scored the most goals for Halle.

The club from Halle was able to keep things completely evenly poised on court up to 13:13 in the 23rd minute and only trailed by a narrow margin at the break. However, SV Union completely collapsed in the second half. The Oldenburg club pulled away from 20:18 (37') to 24:18 (41') and 32:23 (51'). The club from Halle succumbed to its fate in the final ten minutes and was unable to avoid the double-digit debacle.

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