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MBC Syntainics loses 79:106 at German champions Ulm

Chris-Ebou Ndow from Weißenfels warms up / Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa
Chris-Ebou Ndow from Weißenfels warms up / Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

The Weißenfels basketball team concedes its fifth defeat in a row and must fear for its survival in the league. The visitors squandered their chance of victory in the second quarter.

The MBC Syntainics basketball team once again failed to pick up any bonus points in the battle to stay in the league. The club from Weißenfels clearly lost its game at German champions Ratiopharm Ulm by 79:106 (33:50) on Sunday. After their fifth defeat in a row, the players of Head Coach Pedrag Krunic are now just two points clear of the relegation zone. Robin Christen, Justinian Jessup (14 each), Pacome Dadiet (11), L.J. Figueroa and Thomas Klepeisz (10 each) played the biggest part in Ulm's success. Chris Ebou-Ndow (22), Johnathan Stove (20) and Charles Callison (11) scored the most points for the visitors.

The club from Weißenfels got off to a good start and was 21:14 ahead after eight minutes. However, the champions made things clear as early as the second quarter. The home side pulled away from 28:28 (12') to 35:29 (16') and 50:33 by the break. The game was thus decided. Ulm had clear advantages both in terms of shooting percentage (58:46 percent) and rebounding (41:25).

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