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"Was too little": Weißenfels misses out on liberation

MBC Head Coach Predrag Krunic reacts on the sideline. Krunic was not satisfied with his team's performance in Tübingen / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
MBC Head Coach Predrag Krunic reacts on the sideline. Krunic was not satisfied with his team's performance in Tübingen / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The cushion to the relegation places is still large for the Syntainics MBC. But a win in Tübingen would have allowed them to sleep more soundly. That failed to materialize.

Predrag Krunic's disappointment was palpable after his Syntainics MBC failed to break free. "Our performance wasn't good enough," said the coach of the German basketball club. The club from Weißenfels lost 78:88 in Tübingen and so failed to create a small cushion over its opponents in the relegation battle. "We have the potential to play much better in defense. We also missed a lot of free throws in offense. Those are the reasons for the defeat," said Krunic.

Compared to previous seasons, the MBC's situation is comparatively reassuring. It is three wins ahead of the relegation places occupied by Crailsheim and Heidelberg. A win would have put them three wins clear of Tübingen, who are directly above them. However, the MBC failed to score a basket for four minutes in the third quarter and the home side pulled away from 46:46 to 62:46.

The game that may well decide the outcome of the relegation playoffs is on Saturday. The MBC welcomes Crailsheim and would already have a four-win lead over the Merlins if it wins. They have only won four of their 23 games so far, meaning the MBC could then play out the final third of the season with peace of mind.

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