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News zu #Langenbernsdorf

The frost in spring led to enormous fruit losses for the cideries. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Frost damage threatens Saxony's cideries

Every year, many Saxons bring apples, quinces and the like from their gardens and orchards to the cideries. But the harvest threatens to be a total failure. The result: rising prices.

An ambulance on the road. / Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa/Symbolic image

Truck skids into oncoming traffic: 13-year-old seriously injured

A 13-year-old schoolboy was seriously injured when a lorry collided with a car and a minibus near Langenbernsdorf (Zwickau district). The truck skidded into oncoming traffic on the slippery carriageway of the B175 federal highway, according to the Zwickau police on Friday morning. Three other people ..