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Andreas Nowak (l-r), Stefanie Kloß, Thomas Stolle and Johannes Stolle from the band Silbermond / Photo: Britta Pedersen/zb/dpa

Silbermond singer Stefanie Kloß: Don't vote out of protest

The singer of the Bautzen-based band Silbermond, Stefanie Kloss, hopes that next year's state election in Saxony will not turn into a protest vote. "Anyone who has known us for a long time knows where we stand," said singer Stefanie Kloß in an interview with the Sächsische Zeitung (Tuesday). "And I ..

A teacher stands at the blackboard during class. / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/iconic image

Ifo study: Little satisfaction with schools

People in eastern Germany rate schools among the worst in Germany, according to an Ifo study. Only in North Rhine-Westphalia was the rating even worse, the Munich-based Ifo Institute reported Tuesday. 19 percent of adults surveyed in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia gave the grade 4 or worse, 56 ..