Schleyer son: Only one RAF perpetrator has apologized
Former terrorist Silke Maier-Witt has asked the son of kidnap victim Hanns Martin Schleyer for forgiveness. Jörg Schleyer finds this remarkable.
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Former terrorist Silke Maier-Witt has asked the son of kidnap victim Hanns Martin Schleyer for forgiveness. Jörg Schleyer finds this remarkable.
There will be a first documentation center on the NSU crimes in Chemnitz in 2025. Minister of State for Culture Roth and Minister for Democracy Meier visited the site to see for themselves.
For years, the right-wing extremist NSU terrorists lived unmolested in Saxony. On the day they unmasked themselves, the victims are commemorated here.
Because a supporter probably knew about the NSU robberies, she has to answer to a regional court. The evidence is not sufficient for another aspect of the indictment.
There will be a first documentation center on the NSU crimes in Chemnitz in 2025. The foundations have been laid, now the implementation begins.
Zwickau is one of the cities inextricably linked to the right-wing extremist terror cell NSU. The core trio lived there and planned their crimes. A new exhibition is now dedicated to this.