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Admission problems: 1860 Munich against Dynamo starts later

The match between 1860 Munich and Dynamo will be kicked off late. / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa
The match between 1860 Munich and Dynamo will be kicked off late. / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa

The match between the Sechziger and Dynamo is kicked off late. The reason is a problem with the admission of the fans.

The third division match between TSV 1860 Munich and Dynamo Dresden will kick off half an hour later than scheduled. "Due to admission problems with the home fans, kick-off will be postponed by 30 minutes to 2.30 pm," the Dresden club announced on the X platform (formerly Twitter). The Sechziger are still waiting for their first home win of the season at the Grünwalder Stadion.

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