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Saxon state parliament with a mammoth program before the summer break

View of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
View of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The Saxon state parliament is facing a mammoth program for its last sessions before the summer break. Sessions are expected to last 17 hours on Wednesday - until the early hours of the next morning. Thursday is scheduled to end after ten hours. If not all items on the agenda have been completed by then, the parliamentarians will have to sit in on Friday. This is due to the almost 20 laws that the state parliament still has to decide on. The marathon session met with criticism from those involved on Tuesday. Green parliamentary group leader Franziska Schubert found it "suboptimal". "I find it fundamentally difficult to meet until two in the morning," she said, referring to a loss of concentration.

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) will make a government statement at the start of the session on Wednesday. The parliamentary groups already gave a brief summary of the legislative period on Tuesday.

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