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City of Leipzig supports 25 artists with scholarships

The city of Leipzig supports 25 artists with scholarships. (Photo: Illustration) / Photo: Miriam Schönbach/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The city of Leipzig supports 25 artists with scholarships. (Photo: Illustration) / Photo: Miriam Schönbach/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Leipzig has a reputation as a city of art and culture. It is now supporting 25 artists with a new scholarship program.

The city of Leipzig is supporting 25 artists with scholarships. They receive between 8,000 and 10,000 euros to devote to their projects, as the city announced. The scholarship holders include the choreographer Irina Pauls and the poet Sibylla Vricic Hausmann. A total of 560 applications were received for the new program. The city wants to consolidate its reputation as a city of culture.

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