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RB Leipzig: Benjamin Sesko remains loyal to his idol Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Contract extension instead of exit clause: Sesko stays with Leipzig / Photo: Harry Langer/dpa
Contract extension instead of exit clause: Sesko stays with Leipzig / Photo: Harry Langer/dpa

Benjamin Sesko remains at RB Leipzig despite interest from his idol Zlatan Ibrahimovic and explains his decision to extend his contract early.

Striker Benjamin Sesko remains loyal to Bundesliga club RB Leipzig, even though his idol Zlatan Ibrahimovic has come knocking. "He's my big idol," the 21-year-old told Sport Bild about the former Sweden star striker, who now works as a consultant for AC Milan. However, he has not yet received a call. "That's why I'm a bit jealous of my advisor, because they've been in contact," said Sesko.

His decision to extend his contract in Leipzig by one year until 2029, which became public in June, was well justified: "It will do me good to continue maturing in Leipzig. It wouldn't have been smart to leave after just one year," said the attacker. "I want to continue to gain experience at a very high level at RB Leipzig, and I'll need a lot of experience to get where I want to go."

Strong second half of the season: "It was a process"

The Premier League is a tempting career goal. However, Arsenal FC's efforts to recruit Sesko were also unsuccessful. "In the end, you have to see when I'm ready for what," said the Slovenian international, who would first like to attack in the Bundesliga. "We have good prerequisites to play at the very top. Of all the top teams, we have the least pressure. We want to surprise everyone this year, but we have to play even more consistently to do so."

Meanwhile, Sesko himself has also been looking for consistency. It was only in the second half of the season that he scored the majority of his goals at RB and increased his effectiveness. "That was a process. I matured as a person and first had to gain some experience in the new and very strong league. My legs and my head needed time," said Sesko, who strengthened himself mentally with the help of books, podcasts and the team psychologist. "Just talking about something other than soccer helps me."

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