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Two injured in traffic accident in Chemnitz

An arrow points the way to the emergency room of a hospital / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image
An arrow points the way to the emergency room of a hospital / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image

Two people were injured in a traffic accident in Chemnitz. A 72-year-old man was seriously injured and a 75-year-old woman was slightly injured. Both were taken to hospital.

Two people have been injured in a traffic accident in Chemnitz. According to the police on Sunday, a 32-year-old man collided with the oncoming car of a 72-year-old man while turning in the district of Euba on Saturday. The force of the impact caused the 32-year-old's car to collide with a car behind it. The 72-year-old was seriously injured. His 75-year-old passenger was slightly injured. Both were taken to hospital.

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