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Noise from the Witznitz solar park is measured

A humming sound emanates from the Witznitz solar park - to the annoyance of local residents. (Archive image) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
A humming sound emanates from the Witznitz solar park - to the annoyance of local residents. (Archive image) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The Witznitz energy park is supposed to supply large quantities of clean electricity. However, local residents are now protesting: The park is buzzing.

After numerous complaints from local residents about a constant humming noise, the noise at Germany's largest solar park Witznitz near Leipzig is now being measured. Although no guideline values have been exceeded so far, there is still a "perceptible humming sound", the district office in Borna announced. The environmental office had received more than 70 complaints from residents in Böhlen and Rötha. The solar park officially went into operation at the beginning of July.

Measurements are now to be carried out at the energy park's transformer station and another significant immission site for around a week. "The aim is to check compliance with the guideline values, taking into account the power curves and weather data," explained the district office. A preliminary evaluation of the measurement results is to take place at the end of the week. On this basis, it will be examined which noise protection measures could be taken.

The energy park was built on the site of the former Witznitz II open-cast lignite mine. It covers an area of around 500 hectares. More than one million modules were installed for the 650-megawatt solar park. This is enough to supply 200,000 four-person households with electricity. The company behind the project is Move On Energy. The park was financed by the insurance group Signal Iduna.

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