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Successful FSJ pedagogy model in Saxony: 400 young people start new voluntary service

For Minister of Education Christian Piwarz, voluntary service in schools is the perfect career guidance. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
For Minister of Education Christian Piwarz, voluntary service in schools is the perfect career guidance. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

They supervise homework, supervise breaks or help in lessons. There is also a voluntary service at schools. The Minister of Education speaks of perfect career guidance.

A total of 220 young people are doing their voluntary service at schools in Saxony in the new school year - mainly in rural areas. The Voluntary Social Year of Teaching has been in existence since 2013 and was introduced in order to recruit the next generation of teachers. According to the Saxon Ministry of Culture, the program has developed into a successful model. Eleven years ago, just under 70 young people applied; by the new school year, this figure had risen to almost 400, according to the ministry. A total of 1,650 young people have now completed the voluntary service.

"The FSJ Pädagogik is the perfect career orientation for young people with a view to studying to become a teacher. The personnel support also pays off for the schools. Without this special educational offer, the applicant situation for young teachers in rural areas would be considerably worse," explained Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU). In recent years, an average of 80 percent of volunteers have gone on to study to become teachers. Saxony is the only federal state to offer young people the opportunity to gain practical experience in schools in this way, according to the statement.

The Voluntary Social Year in Education - FSJ Pädagogik for short - is a twelve-month service in a primary school, secondary school, special school or grammar school. Young people between the ages of 16 and 26 can do this service. There are many possible assignments, such as supporting teachers in lessons, supervising breaks, supervising homework, helping with school projects or organizing events. Volunteers receive 330 euros pocket money per month. From January 2025, there will be an increase to 350 euros.

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