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News zu #School

Maria Völzer

In-depth career orientation and first degrees - Dresden University School starts 5th school year

At Dresden University School, 720 students have started the new school year. As in previous years, the size of the school community not only changes with each new school year, but further components of the school concept are implemented. In the 2023/24 school year, this is particularly the early career orientation with the PRALL project and the continuation of the youth school in the Old Brickworks in Prohlis. The first grades for grade 9 and integration of Ukrainian children and young people into the student body are also on the agenda.

Symbol image school / pixabay m_ming

These five Saxon schools participate in media pilot project

The Saxon Ministry of Culture has selected five schools for the media project "School and Digital Democracy". As the association Aktion Zivilcourage announced on Wednesday, the high school Flöha-Plaue, the Semper high school Dresden, the Geschwister-Scholl high school Nossen, the Schiller high schoo ..