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Scholarship for Saxon pupils to attend school abroad

Piwarz promised the pupils an exciting experience (photo archive).  / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Piwarz promised the pupils an exciting experience (photo archive). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The winners of a Saxon scholarship will travel abroad for a school visit in September. The stay is intended to support the young people on their path to independence.

36 pupils from Saxony can look forward to a scholarship for a four-week school visit abroad. The educational trip is due to start at the end of September, as announced by the Saxon Ministry of Culture. The destination countries are France, Great Britain, Italy, Malta, the Czech Republic, Spain and the USA. The 27 girls and 9 boys will live with host families in the countries, get to know everyday life and attend school. A total of around 100,000 euros will be made available to them.

"Attending school abroad strengthens the personality and independence of our young people," said Saxony's Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU). In addition to linguistic learning progress, the aim is also to think outside the box. "Education across borders connects, creates tolerance and broadens one's own horizons." Around 200 pupils applied for the scholarship this year.

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