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Saxony wants to accelerate the integration of foreign pupils

Saxony's Minister of Education Conrad Clemens is in favor of faster integration of refugee children into regular classes. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Saxony's Minister of Education Conrad Clemens is in favor of faster integration of refugee children into regular classes. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The inclusion of children from migrant families in everyday school life is a challenge. Preparatory classes are intended to make this easier. Saxony wants to step up the pace.

Saxony wants to streamline the integration of pupils with foreign roots. They are to move more quickly from the so-called preparatory class to a regular class. "The younger the children are, the easier it is," said Minister of Education Conrad Clemens (CDU) in the state parliament. This would reduce the existing integration backlog in the preparatory classes.

Almost 2,000 children from migrant families are waiting for a school place

"Secondly, we will ensure greater predictability in the provision of school places in mainstream classes," said Clemens. There are almost 2,000 school-age children waiting for a school place in Saxony, some for much longer than six months. Thirdly, Saxony wants to place the task of integration on broader shoulders. It is well positioned, even if improvements and adjustments are always possible everywhere.

AfD wants to abolish compulsory school attendance for migrant children

The background to the debate was a motion by the AfD parliamentary group to relieve the burden on schools and replace compulsory school attendance for underage children from refugee families with compulsory childcare under the responsibility of the adult education centers.

The AfD wants Ukrainian pupils to be completely exempt from compulsory attendance at schools and instead be given access to online lessons based on the Ukrainian curriculum.

Clemens clearly rejected this proposal. The AfD's motion failed in the state parliament.

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