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ADAC: Parents should practise the way to school with their children

Dresden: The ADAC advises parents to practice the way to school with first graders to make them safe. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/dpa-tmn
Dresden: The ADAC advises parents to practice the way to school with first graders to make them safe. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/dpa-tmn

In the first few days after starting school, first-graders in particular are very excited. A safe journey to school is a priority. Training is therefore recommended.

The ADAC Saxony recommends that parents of first-graders choose a safe route to school with their children and then practise it. "Only by practising and under the guidance of adults who behave in an exemplary manner can children learn how to be safe on the roads," said the ADAC. Possible dangers should be pointed out along the way without scaring the girls and boys.

"If the children are already reasonably confident, accompanying adults can hold back more and more and monitor them in the background," it said. Especially in the first few days, first-graders have many new impressions to process. The journey to school is one of them, and the risk of accidents around elementary school is high during this time.

ADAC: Safety before speed

In Saxony, the new school year begins on August 5. For around 40,500 girls and boys, a new chapter begins as first-graders. According to an ADAC study from 2023, the shortest route to school is predominantly chosen in Saxony - by 57 percent of those surveyed. From a road safety perspective, however, the safest route to school should take priority, the ADAC recommended.

64 percent of pupils in the state would walk to school - a top figure nationwide. However, parents in Saxony were most concerned about the danger posed by other road users due to carelessness or speeding. The ADAC therefore appealed to drivers of motor vehicles to exercise caution and consideration.

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