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Forests well supplied with water before the start of midsummer

The Upper Lusatian Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve (aerial view with a drone). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
The Upper Lusatian Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve (aerial view with a drone). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

A series of drought years have taken their toll on Saxony's forests. Things are looking better this year. However, the height of summer is still to come.

Saxony's forests are comparatively well supplied with water before the start of midsummer. Due to the large amount of precipitation this year, the situation is more favorable than in previous years, explained Sachsenforst spokesman Renke Coordes. "This is particularly important for the health of the forest trees with regard to any upcoming dry and hot phases."

The forest fire season has been rather average so far. Only when it was very hot at the beginning and end of April was the risk greater. June was more relaxed compared to other years. However, warm and dry weather is forecast for next week, which will increase the risk of forest fires again.

The forest fire season runs from March to October. During this time, Sachsenforst and the German Weather Service (DWD) provide daily updates on the local risk of forest fires.

In the first five months of this year, 47 forest fires were reported in the Free State. April in particular ensured that the number was higher than in 2023, when there were 26 forest fires. Compared to 2022, the figures are at a similar level. Back then, 53 forest fires were reported from January to May. That year was followed by a very hot and dry midsummer with devastating forest fires in the Gohrischheide or Saxon Switzerland.

However, foresters in Saxony are still dealing with another problem: the bark beetle. This tree pest is another reason why experts are hoping that there will be no pronounced hot and dry spells in the near future. Then there would be hope that the damage in the forest could be further reduced.

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