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New emergency room opened at Emmaus Niesky Hospital

Saxony's Minister of Health Petra Köpping / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Saxony's Minister of Health Petra Köpping / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The new emergency room at Emmaus Niesky Hospital improves medical care in the region and strengthens the Niesky Local Health Center.

The new emergency room at Emmaus Niesky Hospital (Görlitz district) was opened on Wednesday. "The new emergency department is an important step towards optimizing medical care in the region and is an essential building block for the Local Health Centre Niesky," said Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) according to a statement. It now offers excellent conditions for the treatment of emergency patients, and the quality and speed of first aid will be significantly improved.

According to the information provided, anyone who visits the hospital for an outpatient operation or consultation, comes as an emergency or wants to go to the on-call practice can go to the new counter in the building. There is now a separate entrance for the emergency services. In addition, the extension will have a room for preliminary examinations as well as a break and work room for emergency services.

"A modern healthcare campus is available to the population here," said Ralf Schönherr, Commercial Director at the Diakonissenanstalt Dresden, which operates the hospital. He also pointed out that the joint counter for the KV emergency practice and the emergency room would meet the requirements of the Federal Ministry of Health for integrated emergency centers.

The new extension with waiting area and central registration counter was built as part of extensive construction work on the hospital campus, according to the press release. Almost 10 million euros will be invested in the hospital for all construction measures. The Free State of Bavaria is supporting the project with around 5.73 million euros.

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