Horses also need a CT scan - new device in Leipzig
The equine clinic at Leipzig University has put a new CT scanner into operation. The four-legged friends can now be examined better than before.
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The equine clinic at Leipzig University has put a new CT scanner into operation. The four-legged friends can now be examined better than before.
The infectious disease occurs worldwide and is rare in Germany. However, the number of cases has recently increased in Saxony.
Almost 450 people share one doctor's surgery in Saxony. This puts the Free State in the middle of the field nationwide. But these general practitioners are on average the youngest in Saxony.
Spring is coming, the flu is leaving. The health authorities are registering a significant decrease in influenza cases in Saxony. But the level is still comparatively high.
There has been a shortage of doctors in Saxony for years. The total number of working doctors is growing, and the trend is towards employment rather than private practice.
In Saxony, young people can study medicine even without an A-level. In return, they commit to working as a rural doctor in the future. The number of applicants clearly exceeds the number of places on offer.
Due to the infection of two people, the health authorities tested around 160 people in the vicinity of a daycare center in Dresden. Another case was discovered in the process.
This finding is not new. There is also a shortage of doctors in many places in Saxony. With the help of an expert report, politicians want to take countermeasures and prepare for future demand at an early stage.
This finding is not new. There is also a shortage of doctors in many places in Saxony. With the help of an expert report, politicians want to take countermeasures and prepare for future demand at an early stage.
It is estimated that well over one million people worldwide die from tuberculosis every year. Yet the disease is preventable and curable. In Saxony, the number of cases has recently risen again.
The winter vacations have slowed down the flu epidemic in Saxony. Although the number of respiratory infections is falling slightly, it is still at a high level.
Overall, slightly more female doctors work in clinics and practices than male doctors. However, there is still a major imbalance elsewhere.
In the virologist's view, there has been a lack of systematic scientific observation during the coronavirus pandemic. He identifies data gaps in the assessment of measures, for example.
Several new cases of the dangerous animal disease have been confirmed in Bavaria. Minister of State Köpping calls for strict hygiene measures to prevent worse.
Culling, compulsory stabling, restricted zones: Bird flu has hit a poultry farm in Grimma - with consequences for the entire region. Strict measures are in place to prevent further spread.
Two cases of tuberculosis have been registered in Dresden. All children and childcare staff at a daycare center are now being tested.
Bird flu in Grimma: a poultry farm had to kill around 100 animals. The authorities are now calling for more protective measures.
Stuffy noses and bulging eyes: the season of suffering has begun for allergy sufferers. In Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, the first pollen is already flying, albeit still cautiously.
The tick season starts particularly early this year. This is shown by the infection figures for Lyme disease in Saxony. There is also already a first case of TBE.
In Saxony, there are two bodies investigating the coronavirus pandemic - a parliamentary committee of inquiry and a commission of inquiry. A prominent witness is now testifying in the committee.
The recognition of professional qualifications in the health and care sector requires special care. Saxony is in favor of simple and fast procedures. However, federal law must be observed.
The recognition of professional qualifications in the health and care sector requires special care. Saxony is in favor of simple and fast procedures. However, federal law must be observed.
Corona reached the Free State of Saxony five years ago. Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping is now proposing that the federal government set up a commission of inquiry.
In the coronavirus era, great hopes were pinned on vaccinations, but there was also a lot of criticism - especially in Saxony. According to infectiologists, this still has consequences today.
People with an addiction often find themselves in an emergency situation. When children live in such households, they can suffer.
The shortage of doctors is an ongoing issue in Saxon politics. Time and again, statistics are asked about it. But a fundamental improvement is not yet in sight.
The level of particulate matter in the air in Saxony was already high last week. So far, the situation has not improved - on the contrary.
Studying medicine without an A-level? No problem! Saxony's rural doctor quota offers an alternative way to study medicine. The application period runs until the end of February
Studying medicine without an A-level? No problem! Saxony's rural doctor quota offers an alternative way to study medicine. The application period runs until the end of February
Air pollution with particulate matter is increasing in Saxony. For several days now, the limit values have been exceeded at several measuring stations, in some cases significantly. There are many reasons for this.
The law on the partial legalization of cannabis has been in force for almost a year. In the course of the amnesty regulation, dozens of criminal proceedings have already been reviewed - in favor of many of the accused.
Critics of the partial legalization of cannabis have repeatedly put forward one argument - the corresponding law overburdens the judiciary. From the left's point of view, this has not been confirmed in practice.
During the coronavirus pandemic, millions of people pinned their hopes on a vaccination. Those who suffered damage to their health can apply for compensation. The number is comparatively low.
The current flu season in Saxony is getting worse. The number of respiratory infections is rising sharply - and influenza is driving the trend.
Many emergency calls are not real emergencies - the district of Leipzig is testing a solution with special ambulances. The vehicles are intended to deploy rescue services in a more targeted manner and prevent bottlenecks.
Saxony needs more GPs in rural areas. Incentives are provided by a rural doctor quota. Interested candidates do not have to have brilliant grades, but they do have to make a long-term commitment.
Hospitals receive money from health insurance companies for the treatment of patients. The sum is higher this year than in 2024.
The shortage of GPs is also evident in Saxony. "Health insurance is getting more and more expensive, but basic care is getting worse and worse," complains the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance.
The current flu season in Saxony is getting worse. The number of respiratory infections is rising sharply - and influenza is driving the trend.
On average, a DAK policyholder was absent from work due to illness for 20 days last year. The vast majority of absences were due to three types of illness.
With the end of the Christmas vacations, the number of flu cases in Saxony increases significantly - as does the number of deaths.
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are transmitted via sexual contact and can cause cancer. However, according to the health insurance company Barmer, the vaccination rate in Saxony is too low.
Whooping cough has been rampant in Saxony for months. The disease is highly contagious and easily transmitted when coughing, sneezing or talking - and there is a risk of pneumonia.
Smoking pot could soon be banned again - at least if the EU has its way. But what does this mean for patients who need medicinal cannabis? Kretschmer calls for a clear separation.
The first analyses of Dubai chocolate raise serious questions about safety and transparency. The chocolate is now also to be tested in Saxony.
A committee of inquiry in the state parliament is to investigate the criticism of the Saxon government during the coronavirus pandemic. There is already disagreement over formalities.
In Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, more people have been diagnosed with alcohol addiction in recent years. Men and women in the second half of life are particularly affected.
In Saxony, two committees are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic - a parliamentary committee of inquiry and a commission of inquiry. The committee of inquiry is now starting its work.
Cost pressure, supply bottlenecks and online competition are weighing on Saxony's pharmacists. In view of further closures, they are urgently warning of gaps in supply.
Saxony is trying to secure medical care away from the big cities by introducing a quota for rural doctors. Now those interested can apply for a place again.
The threat of a strike at municipal hospitals has been averted for the time being. The union and employers have been able to agree on a package. What do the doctors say?
After the expected decline in reported respiratory illnesses over the holidays, the number of cases is on the rise again. The responsible authorities see the start of the seasonal flu epidemic.
In Saxony, the investigation into the coronavirus pandemic is beginning at parliamentary level. In addition to a committee of inquiry, a commission of inquiry will also deal with the issue.
The hoped-for boost in organ donations failed to materialize in 2024. This is also a problem in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, as new figures show.
Foreign doctors are allowed to work in practices in Saxony even before they are licensed to practice. The regulation is intended to strengthen medical care in underserved regions.
A year ago, Health Minister Köpping traveled to Brazil to support the recruitment of nursing staff. Now she is visiting those affected in her new place of work. What do they say?
After the legalization of cannabis, there were 15 applications from cultivation associations in Saxony-Anhalt. Not all of them have been approved yet.
Day after day and around the clock, the volunteers at the telephone counseling service are ready to listen to people seeking help. The number of inquiries increases during the holidays.
Millions of people with health insurance in Saxony and Thuringia will have to dig deeper into their pockets from 2025. AOK Plus is raising its contributions.
After a female lynx was released into the wild, an infection with a potentially fatal virus was detected. Alva was to be captured for a check-up - but now she is being left alone.
Respiratory diseases continue to increase - also in Saxony. Corona is still dominating the situation. But other viruses are also rampant.
The opera singer was once diagnosed with leukemia himself and has been collecting donations for the fight against the disease ever since. A television gala once again raised millions.
Caution after Boxing Day: The best-before date on some packs of Edeka's own brand Gut&Günstig Vienna sausages is incorrect.
On average, girls in Saxony live significantly longer than boys born in the state. And their life expectancy is also higher than that of girls in other federal states.
The incidence of respiratory infections in Saxony remains at a high level. Corona viruses continue to dominate the situation - but influenza is also on the rise.
Scarlet fever diagnoses increased significantly in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia last year. Doctors believe this is due to catch-up effects following the coronavirus pandemic.
Colds, coughs, fever, aching limbs - respiratory infections continue to increase in Saxony. Corona viruses are still dominating the situation. However, the number of infections has recently decreased.
During the pre-Christmas period and the following holidays, the willingness to donate blood usually declines. However, the preparations are needed regularly. That is why there are special dates.
Caution is advised when nursing homes ask residents to pay more. According to the consumer advice center, the letters are not always legal.
The care sector is facing huge challenges - especially in Bavaria, where the population is getting older and older. The "target image for care" offers possible solutions.
It was only after the female lynx was released into the wild that an infection with the virus, which is fatal in the worst case, was detected. Now a health check is to clarify her infection status. Time is of the essence.
The Bundesrat does not refer the hospital reform to the mediation committee. Saxony had voted in favor of this, but was unable to prevail.
Blood donations have been declining since mid-October. The supply is still secure, but if fewer people come to donate on just a few days, the depots could quickly be used up.
The thermal spa Silber-Therme Warmbad is a popular spa in the Erzgebirgskreis. There are several million euros in funding from the federal and state governments for renovations and expansion. What is planned?
For many young people, alcohol is part and parcel of parties, discos and leisure activities. Health experts are countering this with prevention campaigns. Does that help?
Poisonous mushrooms eaten, household cleaners swallowed, pills mixed up - in such cases, the Erfurt Poison Control Center is called upon. The joint institution of four federal states has been in existence for 30 years.
Saxony's health resorts feel left behind compared to other federal states. The spa status means costs that the municipalities in the Free State have to bear alone. They fear competitive disadvantages.
People with autism find it difficult to perceive and process environmental and sensory stimuli. The developmental disorder is diagnosed even in young children. Research aims to help those affected.
Cost pressure, staff shortages, supply bottlenecks and competition from online retailers: things have been better for pharmacies in the past. The Left believes that access to medicines is a question of justice.
After a coronavirus committee of inquiry was set up in the state parliament, the Minister of Health shows little concern and talks about difficult decisions in the pandemic.
The heads of government of the eastern German states are meeting in Berlin. What is on the agenda?
The blood bank at Leipzig University Hospital is running short of blood due to the wave of colds. The clinic is therefore asking for donations.
West Nile virus infections often go unnoticed because infected people rarely develop symptoms. Tests on blood donors reveal some of the cases.
Tick activity decreases with the cold season. Nevertheless, caution is still advised. The number of TBE cases so far this year is significantly higher than in 2023.
Fewer people are claiming rehabilitation benefits after the pandemic than before. However, German Pension Insurance expects this to change again.
The Erzgebirgsklinikum is groaning under rising costs. But there is not enough money to implement an urgently needed renovation plan.
There is a desperate search for GPs in many areas of Saxony. The shortage is particularly acute in rural areas. The KV Saxony and the Left Party in the state parliament see it as the politicians' duty.
Following an outbreak of avian influenza, colloquially known as bird flu, parts of the Vogtland region were required to keep poultry indoors. Now ducks, geese and chickens are allowed outside again.
Loneliness can affect anyone. With a poster campaign, the state capital wants to show people how they can free themselves from it.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs - respiratory infections are on the rise in Saxony. Coronaviruses continue to dominate the flu season - with consequences.
There is a shortage of skilled workers in the care sector - even though demand continues to rise. The baby boomer effect will further exacerbate the problems.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs - respiratory infections are on the rise in Saxony. Coronaviruses continue to dominate the flu season - with consequences.
More and more people in need of care in Saxony need help from the social welfare office. The Left Party is calling for fair financing of the costs.
On Friday, the state parliament will vote on the establishment of committees of inquiry into coronavirus policy. However, the CDU and SPD want to take a different approach.
Saxons are notoriously vaccine-hungry. This is also evident when it comes to coronavirus. The immunization rate is unchanged - but a few more people have boosters.
The spread of bird flu has been prevented for the time being in Markranstädt near Leipzig. The risk of infection is still classified as high.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs: it's flu season in Saxony. The number of respiratory infections is rising - but influenza viruses continue to play only a minor role.
Following the detection of STEC bacteria, a company from Baden-Württemberg wants to be on the safe side. It is recalling some of its products.
The cold season marks the start of the flu season. Weeks earlier, the authorities had already registered an increase in respiratory infections - especially beyond influenza.
Since July, clubs in Saxony have been able to submit applications to grow cannabis. Eleven clubs have done so, and now the first approval has been granted to a club in Görlitz. More are to follow.