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Influenza cases double in Saxony

Sharp rise in respiratory diseases in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa
Sharp rise in respiratory diseases in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

The current flu season in Saxony is getting worse. The number of respiratory infections is rising sharply - and influenza is driving the trend.

In Saxony, respiratory illnesses are on the rise in the wake of the seasonal flu epidemic. According to the State Investigation Institute (LUA), influenza viruses are primarily responsible for this. According to the authority's latest report, 3,407 cases were reported in the fourth week of January, almost twice as many as in the previous week. This corresponds to an increase of 90 percent. Whereas previously it was mainly adults who were affected, it is now mainly younger schoolchildren.

There was also a significant increase of 65% in the number of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections reported compared to the previous week. The 387 cases are still mostly diagnosed in young children, followed by senior citizens. Meanwhile, coronavirus infections, which dominated until the end of 2024, are still on the decline with 276 newly reported cases - mainly affecting adults and senior citizens.

Over 200 deaths from respiratory diseases

Since the official start of the season at the beginning of October 2024, 8,221 cases of influenza, 14,092 coronavirus infections and 1,394 RSV infections have been confirmed nationwide as of 26 January, as well as a total of 204 deaths. According to the data, 184 people between the ages of 46 and 97 died from a coronavirus infection, 19 people between the ages of 48 and 92 died from influenza and one 92-year-old died from an RSV infection.

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