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Netherlands and Flanders open as guest countries in Leipzig

The first visitors flock to the Leipzig Book Fair. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
The first visitors flock to the Leipzig Book Fair. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The Netherlands and the Belgian region of Flanders have started the Leipzig Book Fair as guest countries. Until Sunday, they want to focus on the Dutch-speaking world under the motto "Everything but flat". "This gives us the opportunity to join forces and show how our literary landscape is structured and what it has to offer," said Dutch State Secretary for Culture Fleur Gräper-van Koolwijk in Leipzig on Thursday.

Around 40 authors are scheduled to appear. According to the information, there are around 4,000 publishers in the Netherlands. Around 11,400 new books were published in 2022, around 6,700 of which were literary works. 120 books were translated into German. The approximately 17,600 Dutch authors wrote around 7300 new books in 2022, including around 4400 new literary publications.

The Leipzig Book Fair - the most important German literary show after Frankfurt - runs until Sunday. 2085 exhibitors from 40 countries are presenting their books and new releases.

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