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Competition launched to extend the National Library

The fifth expansion of the German National Library in Leipzig is getting closer / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa/Archivbild
The fifth expansion of the German National Library in Leipzig is getting closer / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa/Archivbild

The fifth extension to the German National Library in Leipzig is getting closer. As part of an architectural competition, 20 pre-selected participants from all over Europe have been invited to submit their designs and models for a fifth extension. This was announced by the director of Germany's largest library, Johannes Neuer, on Monday in Leipzig. The designs are to be judged and awarded prizes by a jury on September 10. The work of all participants will then be presented in an exhibition.

Founded by merchants, the library has been pursuing its extensive mission for more than 100 years: it collects all text, image and sound publications in and about Germany or in the German language. Every year, access to physical media works grows by around 3.3 shelf kilometers at each location in Leipzig and Frankfurt/Main. The original building in Leipzig, which opened in 1916, has already been extended four times to cover the space requirements.

The fifth extension is to be built on the south-eastern flank of the original building on Deutscher Platz. A storage building with 213 kilometers of shelving is planned, which will be large enough to archive the additions for a period of thirty years. Construction work is due to start at the end of 2026. Commissioning is planned for 2030.

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