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Graphic novel nominated for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize

Visitors walk down a staircase with the Leipzig Book Fair logo. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Visitors walk down a staircase with the Leipzig Book Fair logo. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Graphic novels, audio books and translated poems - this year's nominations for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize include a wide variety of formats.

A graphic novel has been nominated for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in the fiction category for the first time this year. "Genossin Kuckuck" by Anke Feuchtenberger is a fantastic journey to the East of Germany, the jury announced on Thursday when the nominations were announced. Wolf Haas with "Eigentum", Inga Machel with "Auf den Gleisen", Barbi Markovic with "Minihorror" and Dana Vowinckel with "Gewässer im Ziplock" were also nominated for the fiction prize.

The award will be presented on the first day of the Leipzig Book Fair on March 21. It is endowed with a total of 60,000 euros and is awarded in the three categories of fiction, non-fiction/essay writing and translation. This year, 177 publishers submitted 486 works.

In the non-fiction/essay category, the jury, chaired by literary critic Insa Wilke, also nominated an audio book for the first time. "Jahrhundertsstimmen 1945-2000" brings together original recordings from German history. Christina Morina was also selected ("Tausend Aufbrüche. Die Deutschen und ihre Demokratie seit den 1980er-Jahren"), Tom Holert (""ca. 1972" Gewalt - Umwelt - Identität - Methode"), Jens Beckert ("Verkaufte Zukunft. Warum der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu scheitern droht") and Christina Clemm ("Gegen Frauenhass").

In the translation category, Ki-Hyang Lee ("Der Fluch des Hasen"), Klaus Detlef Olof ("18 Kilometer bis Ljubljana"), Lisa Palmes ("Bitternis"), Jennie Seitz ("Nimm meinen Schmerz. Geschichten aus dem Krieg") and Ron Winkler ("Angefangen mit San Francisco. Gedichte") were selected.

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