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State parliament passes constitution protection law

A "State Office for the Protection of the Constitution" sign stands in front of the entrance to the authority. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
A "State Office for the Protection of the Constitution" sign stands in front of the entrance to the authority. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

The Saxon state parliament has passed a new law on the protection of the constitution, thereby implementing the requirements of case law. Green Party interior politician Valentin Lippmann spoke of a far-reaching reform on Wednesday. "The activities of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution must be beyond any doubt as to their legality." It is now being given "appropriate powers" to protect liberal democracy and also protect civil rights by setting clear limits for the authority.

"Among other things, the new regulations will prevent money from continuing to be paid to V-Persons for years, who may use it to finance anti-constitutional structures - without this ever being checked," emphasized Lippmann. From now on, the work of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution will be closely monitored - by independent courts, the Committee on Internal Affairs and a strengthened Parliamentary Control Commission. With the establishment of a specialist unit, the commission will receive support, for example through the preparation of expert reports. This would lead to more effective control of the secret service.

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