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Gysi sees democracy in Germany at risk

Left-wing politician Gysi warns of a threat to democracy at Zwickau's main market / Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa
Left-wing politician Gysi warns of a threat to democracy at Zwickau's main market / Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

A few days before the election in Saxony, Left Party politician Gregor Gysi backs his party in Zwickau. The politician remains optimistic about the Left's return to the state parliament.

A few days before the state elections in Saxony, Left Party politician Gregor Gysi sees a loss of trust in the established parties and warns of dangers to democracy. "We must fight to preserve democracy and freedom," said the former parliamentary group leader at a Left Party election campaign event in Zwickau. Right-wing forces such as the AfD are dangerous. Many people had "lost all trust in the established parties", said Gysi. He was optimistic about the Left Party remaining in the Saxon state parliament.

Many voters were now "just expressing their rejection of established politics", for example by not going to the polls, voting invalidly or supporting right-wing parties with their vote, said Gysi. In response, however, the party leaders would only "think about what the AfD is doing and try to get something out of it instead of thinking about what they are doing wrong that is leading to so many AfD votes", criticized Gysi.

Left in the state parliament: "Still all in"

The Left is in crisis nationwide and at a low point in the polls. In Saxony, polls show that the party is in danger of re-entering the state parliament. However, according to Gysis, voters should not be fooled by this. "Everything is still possible". "The Left Party needs weight in the Saxon state parliament, because otherwise there would no longer be a voice for social justice and a real peace policy," said Gysi.

The Left Party was recently polling between 3 and 5 percent. It is hoping to win two direct mandates in Leipzig. In this case, the party would also be represented in the state parliament with list candidates, depending on its share of the vote.

The Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance, which split from the Left in autumn 2023, could reach 15 percent in next Sunday's state election according to the latest Insa poll.

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