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Court: AfD may be labeled right-wing extremist

The OVG agrees with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution on the classification of the Saxon AfD. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa
The OVG agrees with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution on the classification of the Saxon AfD. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified the AfD in Saxony as right-wing extremist. The Higher Administrative Court rejected an appeal by the party. The AfD was finally defeated.

The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution may classify the AfD state association in Saxony as a confirmed right-wing extremist organization. The party's appeal against a decision by the Dresden Administrative Court was rejected, announced the Saxon Higher Administrative Court in Bautzen (OVG). The grounds of appeal of the AfD state association did not lead to a change in the decision. The OVG decision is final.

The Dresden Administrative Court had rejected the urgent appeal last summer. There were sufficient factual indications that the AfD state association in Saxony was pursuing efforts that were directed against the human dignity of certain groups of people and against the principle of democracy, it said in its reasoning at the time.

The state office had classified the Saxon state association of the AfD as a "confirmed right-wing extremist movement" in December 2023. With its urgent application, the AfD wanted to ensure that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was no longer allowed to classify, monitor, treat and investigate the party's state association accordingly.

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