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News about #Bautzen

The OVG agrees with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution on the classification of the Saxon AfD. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa

Court: AfD may be labeled right-wing extremist

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified the AfD in Saxony as right-wing extremist. The Higher Administrative Court rejected an appeal by the party. The AfD was finally defeated.

Lottery balls lie on a lottery ticket / Photo: Tom Weller/dpa/Symbolic image

Seventh million-dollar Lotto winner of the year from Saxony

A lottery player from the district of Bautzen is the winner of 3,772,637 euros. Six correct numbers from the draw on May 1 brought him the million euro prize, as Sachsenlotto announced on Thursday. However, the jackpot was not hit. The prize money will now be transferred directly to the winner's acc ..

Susanne Schaper and Stefan Hartmann, state chairpersons of Die Linke Sachsen, take part in the state party conference in the Stadthalle Krone / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Left Party with Schaper and Hartmann at the helm for state elections

The Saxon Left Party is heading into the state parliamentary elections on September 1 with its leadership duo Susanne Schaper (46) and Stefan Hartmann (56) at the helm. Schaper received 93.7 percent of the votes for first place on the list at a representatives' meeting in Bautzen on Saturday, while ..

Former Bundestag President Norbert Lammert speaks at the Luther Prize award ceremony in the Holy Trinity Church in Worms in July 2021 / Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa

Lammert speaks at the CDU's Political Ash Wednesday

Former Bundestag President Norbert Lammert will give the speech at the 30th Political Ash Wednesday of the Saxon CDU in Upper Lusatia. In its invitation to the event on February 14 in the Stadthalle Bautzen, the Union quoted the 75-year-old Christian Democrat on Thursday with a statement that sounds ..

"When farmer in need threatens hunger" stands behind a toy tractor during a protest demonstration / Photo: Sebastian Christoph Gollnow/dpa

Farmers' protests registered all week in Bautzen district

Saxony's farmers are planning to vent their displeasure at the subsidy cuts planned by the federal government throughout the week. In the district of Bautzen, blockades have been announced for the coming days at the highway entrances, the district office announced on Monday. As a result, restriction ..

Stacks of files lie on a desk / Photo: Stephanie Pilick/dpa/symbol

Slight upward trend in asylum procedures in Saxony

Refugees can legally defend themselves against a rejection of their asylum application. After a decline, the number of appeals to administrative courts is now on the rise again - the judiciary is assuming a clear trend.

Officers of the Federal Police stand at the German border / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolbild

Federal police arrest two Ukrainian smugglers

Federal police have apprehended ten refugees and arrested two smugglers in Bautzen within two days. According to police on Wednesday, officers controlled five people near a supermarket in Bautzen on Tuesday night following a tip-off. It is said to have been a 40-year-old Syrian, a 34-year-old Turkis ..

The central emergency room of a hospital. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolbild

Young female moped rider dies after accident in Rammenau

In an accident in Rammenau (Bautzen district), a 19-year-old female moped rider died on Saturday. As the police department Görlitz announced on Sunday, she had wanted to drive on the B 98 and disregarded the right of way of a motorist. After the collision, the young woman died at the accident site. ..

Officers of the Federal Police stand at the German border / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolbild

CDU politician wants more measures against illegal entries

Citing a dramatic situation, Saxon CDU politician Marko Schiemann has called for more decisive action by the federal government against organized crime in illegal border crossings into Germany. The increased number of 100 detected smugglings per day is associated with a threefold number of undetecte ..