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Cabinet meeting: Kretschmer enters mine tunnel

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), prime minister of Saxony, speaks during an appointment. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), prime minister of Saxony, speaks during an appointment. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The Saxon cabinet will meet next Tuesday in Freiberg. In the first part of the meeting in the old winding machine house of the mine "Reiche Zeche" is the district of Central Saxony in the center, announced the State Chancellery on Thursday in Dresden. District Administrator Dirk Neubauer (independent) has been invited as a guest. In addition, the topics of science and research will be discussed. Kretschmer himself wants to enter the mine in the morning, government spokesman Ralph Schreiber had recently announced. The Prime Minister had also invited other cabinet members to do so.

On the eve of the cabinet meeting, the members of the state government will meet with representatives of clubs, associations, initiatives and volunteers for an exchange in the country hotel Sonnenhof Ossig, a district of Roßwein.

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