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AfD: Family consists of father, mother and children

On the second day, the AfD delegates arrive at the party conference site in Riesa without any problems. There had been protests and blockades in the Saxon town the day before / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
On the second day, the AfD delegates arrive at the party conference site in Riesa without any problems. There had been protests and blockades in the Saxon town the day before / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

"The family, consisting of father, mother and children, is the nucleus of society," writes the AfD in its election manifesto. The party conference is also about the Young Alternative.

The AfD has continued its party conference in Riesa with resolutions on family policy. The delegates decided to include the following sentence in their election manifesto: "The family, consisting of father, mother and children, is the nucleus of society". The draft program had initially only stated: "The family is the nucleus of our society."

Thuringian AfD politician Wiebke Muhsal said: "Children don't come from anywhere, but family is where a man and a woman have children together." With regard to chancellor candidate Alice Weidel, who lives with a woman and raises two children, Hamburg delegate Krzysztof Walczak said that the formulation of a mission statement does not imply that other life and family models should be rejected.

In the further course of the party conference, the delegates want to finalize the programme for the federal elections on 23 February. A decision will also be made on the future of the Junge Alternative. After the meeting in Riesa, Saxony, started more than two hours late on Saturday due to blockades by protesters, the delegates' journey to the convention on Sunday went smoothly.

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