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Greens warn against a deadlock for cultural funding in Saxony

Green Party politician Claudia Maicher warns of a deadlock in cultural funding in Saxony (archive photo). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Green Party politician Claudia Maicher warns of a deadlock in cultural funding in Saxony (archive photo). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Saxony will still need a few months before a budget is passed. The reason for this is the pending formation of a government. There are therefore also concerns in cultural policy.

The Greens in the Saxon state parliament have warned of a prolonged delay in cultural funding in the state. MP Claudia Maicher is concerned about the development: "It's the beginning of November and the state government is still completely silent about which measures and programs will continue to be funded in 2025. The future of the independent cultural scene depends above all on the expected administrative regulation of the Ministry of Finance on provisional budget management."

Maicher had submitted two minor questions to the state parliament, including on the consequences of the current budget freeze for culture. It is now up to Culture Minister Barbara Klepsch and Finance Minister Hartmut Vorjohann (both CDU) to make it clear that a long period of suspension is not an option for culture. "Sufficient funds must be released for management. Especially as, after the blackberry chaos, it remains uncertain when the 2025/2026 double budget can even be adopted."

"I warn against a financial-political narrow-mindedness that would result in important cultural offerings being canceled, staff no longer being paid or other funds that have already been raised being lost without co-financing from the Free State," explained the MP.

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