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State parliament to be restructured - 47 new members in parliament

The new Saxon state parliament is being prepared for its constituent session on October 1 / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The new Saxon state parliament is being prepared for its constituent session on October 1 / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

A change of seats in the Saxon state parliament ahead of the constituent session. Even though the majority of MPs have remained in place, changes are imminent: From now on, there will be two more political players.

The 7th Saxon state parliament is history, its successor is already waiting in the wings. When the 8th Saxon State Parliament convenes for its constituent session next Tuesday, there will be a whole series of changes. The conversion work for the new plenary has already begun.

Not much more space is needed, as the new state parliament only has one more member with 120 deputies. Nevertheless, the chairs of the individual parliamentary groups need to be arranged. With the alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) and the non-attached MP Matthias Berger, who is moving in for the Free Voters, there are two new players in parliament.

The CDU now has 41 seats in the state parliament, while the AfD has one less. The BSW is represented by 15 MPs, the SPD by 10. The Greens (7) and the Left Party (6) are now only represented in single digits.

The seating arrangements for the constituent sitting have already been determined. According to the President, the parliamentary groups are seated from right to left as follows AfD, CDU, Greens, SPD, BSW and Left. Matthias Berger will be seated in the last row between the CDU and the Greens. The new executive committee will decide on the final seating arrangement in the plenary chamber and the distribution of office space in parliament at one of its next meetings. The AfD wants to reside on one floor in future.

The majority of MPs are already familiar with parliamentary business from the past. 73 women and men were already members of the previous parliament, 47 are new.

The new parliament is clearly dominated by men, who make up 72.5 percent of the members. In a comparison of the parliamentary groups, the Greens have the highest proportion of women - 57.1%. The Social Democrats and the Left Party are represented by half men and half women. The BSW has exactly one third of women, compared to 29.3% for the CDU and just 10% for the AfD.

Most MPs come from the 51 to 60 age group (32.5 percent), followed by 41 to 50-year-olds (31.7 percent).

The CDU parliamentary group has the age superlatives in its own ranks: The youngest MP is Tina Trompter, born in 2001 - Wolf-Dietrich Rost is 71 years old.

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