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Security package of the traffic light coalition rejected: Saxony criticizes inadequacy

Conrad Clemens (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery (archive photo). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Conrad Clemens (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery (archive photo). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The coalition government wanted to grant the security authorities more powers to compare biometric data. However, the Bundesrat stopped the law for the time being - Saxony did not want to support it either.

After a partial rejection in the Bundesrat, Conrad Clemens, head of the Saxon State Chancellery, criticized the security package presented by the coalition of the traffic light government as "insufficient". The CDU politician said following the Bundesrat meeting in Berlin that they had expected more powers for the police in terms of biometric analysis and wanted real rejections at the borders as well as a reduction in benefits for Dublin cases in the area of migration.

The government's draft was much more far-reaching, and the parliamentary groups of the traffic light coalition had weakened it. "That's why we can't support it now," said Conrad. "We can already see that the traffic light is moving, that it is finally recognizing that it was on the wrong track in the area of migration," Conrad continued. The federal government could now call on the mediation committee, then effective measures to combat irregular migration could be discussed in more detail.

More options for security authorities were planned

The law, which the Bundesrat has now rejected, is about more options for the security authorities. They were to be given the power to compare biometric data on the internet in certain cases. However, the search for faces and voices using an automated application should only be permitted if the President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) or his representative has this approved by a court. In the event of imminent danger, the head of the BKA or one of the three deputies should have issued the order themselves for a maximum of three days.

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