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AfD in first place ahead of the CDU in all districts

An election poster is destroyed the morning after the European elections / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
An election poster is destroyed the morning after the European elections / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The AfD has won a majority in the district council elections in all ten Saxon districts. After counting all votes, it achieved between 27.2 percent in the district of Leipzig and 36.1 percent in the district of Görlitz, according to the overview of the state election director. The AfD also scored well in the city council elections in the independent cities. It also became the strongest force in Dresden and Chemnitz. Only in Leipzig did it lose out to the CDU and the Left Party, coming in third place. The Saxon AfD is classified as right-wing extremist by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, but is currently defending itself legally against this.

The CDU came in second place in all but the city of Leipzig, achieving its best result in the Erzgebirgskreis with 29.3 percent. The preliminary result there was extremely close - the Christian Democrats were only 0.1 percentage points behind the AfD. In the district of Görlitz, on the other hand, the gap was largest at 12.5 percentage points.

The counting of votes was interrupted in some constituencies during the night and continued on Monday. The longest count was in the district of Leipzig. It was not until early Monday evening that the provisional results were also available in the last constituency there.

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