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Saxony: Districts receive pre-emptive right for nature conservation areas

A hawk plucks a pigeon from a tree in the backyard of a house in the southern suburbs / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa/Symbolic image
A hawk plucks a pigeon from a tree in the backyard of a house in the southern suburbs / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa/Symbolic image

Saxony makes it easier for districts to acquire nature conservation areas through pre-emption rights and lowers the minimum age for voluntary work in nature conservation to 16.

Municipalities and districts in Saxony can now acquire land for nature conservation more easily. This is provided for in a law passed by the state parliament in Dresden. Specifically, they will once again have a right of first refusal. The law also lowers the minimum age for voluntary work in nature conservation to 16. Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) saw this as a boost for nature and biodiversity in Saxony on Thursday. However, he also saw missed opportunities.

"This coalition has fallen short of its possibilities and necessities with the amendment. I regret that no further points could be agreed, such as the strengthening of avenue and moorland protection, the legal safeguarding of basic support for nature conservation stations or the exemplary effect of the public sector in nature conservation," said Günther. However, the bottom line is that nature conservation has made progress in this legislative period.

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