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Thousands of young people expected at the Fête de l'Europe in Dresden

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at the European Youth Festival "Fête de L'Europe" on the Neumarkt in front of the Frauenkirche / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at the European Youth Festival "Fête de L'Europe" on the Neumarkt in front of the Frauenkirche / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Thousands of young people are expected to attend the Fête de l'Europe to celebrate European values.

Thousands of young people are expected to attend the European youth festival Fête de l'Europe next Monday in Dresden. The State Chancellery announced on Friday that more than 3,300 pupils from all over the Free State had already registered and would be arriving in coaches. There will also be young people from Poland, the Czech Republic and France. Last year, around 15,000 guests attended the premiere of the event.

The festival will take place next Monday from 3 p.m. on Dresden's Neumarkt square in front of the Frauenkirche. At the heart of the program is the speech by French President Emmanuel Macron as part of his three-day state visit to Germany. The young people will be welcomed by Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU). There will also be concerts by Elif, Bennett, Alle Farben, rémi.fr and Clueso. The NFM Girls' Choir from Wroclaw and the youth choir from Dresden's Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium will also perform - they will sing the European anthem "Ode to Joy" together. Admission is free.

"Freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, the rule of law - all of these European values are more important and relevant today than ever before," said Kretschmer according to the press release. The Fête de l'Europe was intended to carry these messages from Saxony out into the world. He is looking forward to doing this together with thousands of young people.

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